Mass Drug Administration for scabies underway in Honiara

Friday, August 2, 2024 - 12:00 PM

A Mass Drug Administration (MDA) campaign is currently underway in the Solomon Islands to fight scabies and will commence in Honiara on the 5th August and run until 30th August. In order to reduce the burden of scabies from Solomon Islands it is necessary to treat the whole community. To maximise the number of people reached during the MDA nurses and community health workers will be visiting schools, workplaces and communities to deliver the required medications.

The MDA is a partnership between The Ministry of Health and Medical Services supported by the World Scabies Program (WSP). The MDA has been funded by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

When the nurses and community health workers come to your school, community or workplace please take the time to take your medications.

If MDA does not come to your community you can visit your local clinic between 5th and 30th August to receive the medicines.

Let’s work together to stop scabies!


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